Impeachment Sham

A quick civics lesson.

The Constitution outlines the establishment of the Government of the United States.

Article 1 Section 1: “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” This establishes the Congress as a whole as the creators of Laws for the U.S.
Section 2 Sub section 5 states: “The House of Representatives shall chuse (Choose) their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. The house is one chamber of Congress.”

Article 1 Section 3 Subsection 1: “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.” (This has been modified by Amendment 17) The Senate is the Second, co equal chamber of the Congress.

Article II Section 1,1: “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.”

Article III Section 1: “The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”

Each of these 3 branches of Government are equal, beholding only to checks and balances of the other two.  In no measure is Congress above the Executive branch nor is the Judicial.

 The Impeachment Articles passed by the house are as follows: Article 1 passed by the House on December 18, 2019 (H. Res. 755) impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

This was based upon the assumption that The President withheld aid to the Ukraine. The President sets all foreign relations policy for the Administration. The President is allowed to evaluate and determine if Aid is being used as it should or if Aid is even suitable for that country. The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a legal memo indicating that the Trump administration’s decision to temporarily hold military assistance to Ukraine was a “routine” practice and that the administration was reviewing whether Ukraine complied with U.S. policy.

Article 2 Passed as obstruction of Congress

As stated previously the House is only one chamber of Congress. The actions in question are the subpoenas requesting information from Aids and Legal advisors to the president. Congress has the power of subpoena but only in a legislative capacity. The Administration has taken this to the courts as an appeal, but the House sees this as obstruction.

 This Impeachment was passed purely on party lines, Article 1 229 (D) to 195 (R) and Article 2 229 (D) to 198 (R) as Speaker Pelosi said “ “Its been going on for 22 months, ok? “Two and a half years, actually.”
This Impeachment  has been a process that first began 19 Minuets after the inauguration. Numerous Representatives have been calling for Impeachment for years, this like the
“Affordable care act”, was an agenda item waiting for the right time, Unfortunately for the majority of the country they feel that it is now. The Senate will undoubtably dismiss this but it will be a stain on the history of President Trump.

Published in: on December 19, 2019 at 12:27 am  Leave a Comment  

Obama Birth Certificate, the 800 Lb Elephant in the room the media refuses to see

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called ‘Negroes’. So how can the Obama birth certificate state his father is ‘African’? Even though he did come from East Africa an American hospital would have listed him as a Negro.

1.  The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama’s birth
as August 4, 1961. It also lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big
deal, right? At the time of Obama’s birth, it also shows that his father is
age 25 years old and that Obama’s father was born in ” Kenya , East Africa “. ImageThis wouldn’t seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya didn’t even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama’s birth and 27 years after his father’s birth. How could Obama’s father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, It was known as the ” British East Africa Protectorate”.

3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place
of birth is “Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital”. This cannot
be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called “KauiKeolani Children’s Hospital” and “Kapi’olani Maternity Home”, respectively. The name did not change to Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?

Finally to mention why was the original certificate released filled with photoshop layers and modern computer fonts?

Why hasn’t this been discussed in the major media????? Please share this with everyone you know with the hope that we can force the media, as well OUR NATION, to address this CORRUPTION. “IN GOD WE TRUST”

Published in: on March 24, 2012 at 7:00 am  Comments (1)  

You may be a Republican if…

You believe that the proper function of government is to do for the people those things that have to be done but cannot be done, or cannot be done as well, by individuals, and that the most effective government is government closest to the people.

You believe that good government is based on the individual and that each person’s ability, dignity, freedom, and responsibility must be honored and recognized.

You believe that free enterprise and the encouragement of individual initiative and incentive have given this nation an economic system second to none.

You believe that sound money management should be our goal.

You believe in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, age sex or national origin.

You believe we must retain those principles of the past worth retaining, yet always be receptive to new ideas with an outlook broad enough to accommodate thoughtful change and varying points of view.

You believe that Americans value and should preserve their feeling of national strength and pride, and at the same time share with people everywhere a desire for peace and freedom and the extension of human rights throughout the world.

Finally, If you believe all these then the Republican Party may the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

Published in: on February 20, 2012 at 11:39 am  Comments (1)  


By Dr. Laurie Roth
February 17, 2012
The Coliseum is turning on the lights. Attendants have their popcorn and sodas ready. The stands are packed with distracted and thrilled onlookers awaiting ‘the battle of Gods.’ The watchers know this will be a blood bath and a gooey entertainment fest like never before. Who are the players who will delight the crowd? First we have ‘Christians and Jews’ and those dangerous ‘Constitutionalists’ on one side. Look, they are behaving just like King Obama said – holding their Bibles and being ‘bitter clingers.’ On the other side, are the leaders of Islam, sharia law and global elitism. These are headed by their savior King Obama.
In special, heated box seats I see the UN and Muslim leadership from the 57 Muslim countries. In another box next door, painted in streaks of bright colors are all the unemployed movie stars and wanna be terrorists such as William Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, who obsessively stand with Palestine and anyone attacking Israel. Next to them by the Pop machine are the traitorous sell out media and leftist Political leaders who routinely sell out America and march her toward the new Holocaust – the control and eradication of Christians who support the Constitution and Jews who just won’t go away.
The stage has been set for our demise. 72 FEMA camps have been activated. The NDAA Bill has been voted into law, launched by Marxist posers – John McCain and Carl Levin. We all know this by now, but this gives Obama the power to seize any American using our military at any time. He can grab us without charges, without a trial and hold us indefinitely on anything he can dream up.
None of this is new. The pattern established by Hitler is simply being copied by Obama and his thugs. Remember, Obama is the teleprompter King. He copies his heroes, Saul Alinski, Hitler and other dictators. He also obeys what his handlers tell him, global elitists and Islamic leaders.
Adolph Hitler wrenched Democracy and freedom from Germany’s hands with ‘Hitler’s Enabling Act’ voted legally into law, March 23, 1933. It was also called ‘Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich.’ You may recall that Hitler had the Nazis burned down the Reichstag German Government building so they could create enough panic to get the votes for Hitler’s enabling act. He blamed the Communists for the deed and people believed him. That was the end of democracy and freedom in Germany.
In a similar fashion we have seen the NDAA law slaughter our Constitution and rights. It has given our President total power over

the people and the legal ability to use military force to assault and detain us for a trumped up reason. Responding to the signing of the NDAA Bill, Obama stated he would never abuse the power. GOP front runner Mitt Romney also a supporter of this bill said he would never abuse the power due to his character.
Listen to the words of another famous person, Adolph Hitler. Right before the vote for Hitler’s Enabling Act, Hitler made a speech to the Reichstag where he pledged restraint and use of power. “The government will make use of these power only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures….The number of cases in which an internal necessity exists for having recourse to such a law is in itself a limited one.” These were the actual words of Hitler to the Reichstag.
Hitler promised a ton of lies before the vote. He promised an end to unemployment and said he would promote peace with France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. Hitler and the Nazis were part of the ‘Green’ environmental agenda and supportive of national health care as Obama is.
We have a usurper as President whose world view is one also of transforming America into a Marxist/Communist regime. From the beginning the signs were everywhere that we had a tyrant for a President. Don’t forget that Obama and Michelle were supportive of and at flag burning events and stated publicly before Obama was elected how they hated America. In fact Michelle said she only started to love America after Obama was elected. Obama constantly has surrounded himself with Communists, anti American and anti Jewish colleagues and employees. His actions from day one have been against Jews, Christians, conservatives, our Constitution and against God himself.
Obama will not willfully give up his power. He has more to finish here and abroad. I predict, as the months unfold toward Election Day 2012 that Internet, conservative journals and speech will be greatly diminished. This will be a financial attack, regulation attack and set of contrived legal attacks. Talk radio and conservative commentators will also be attacked and silenced.
Watch for contrived and invented threats to attack parts of America, while the Russians are blamed……oh yeah, that was Hitler. I mean, while the American Christians and conservatives are blamed. George Soros has predicted riots in the streets in America. The Occupy Wall street groups did plenty of damage but it wasn’t quite the ace of destruction Obama needed to start falsely identifying dangerous people and groups. Watch out for bold attacks aimed at national Tea Party groups and leaders; Watch out for Pastors to be arrested for preaching from The Holy Bible and not editing their speech; Eventually as in the days of ancient Rome, Christians will be considered the enemy of the Government since we won’t submit to falsely turning people in, abandoning freedom of Religion and speech. These assaults and threats are already happening and unfolding.
We are seeing Obama war with the Catholic Church and Christian faith. His healthcare mandate intends to force churches and religious organizations to provide abortion drugs and supportive products. They and insurance plans will also have to provide surgical sterilization. There is no place in our Constitution where insurance companies and Religious groups can be forced to pay for abortion services and products. Yet, this President, who hates the Constitution just continues to ignore it as he takes bold leaps

forward into his beloved new and improved, Fascist America.
We have a President who is demanding the nation pay for abortions regardless of our beliefs. If we let him, he will start forcing assisted suicide to all who are disabled, medically too expensive or just too old to contribute anymore. Remember, this was already done in one of the most civilized countries on earth, Germany. We are watching it unfold right before our eyes in America. History MUST NOT repeat itself.
Those of you who love our Constitution, freedoms, Judeo Christian values and heritage, understand that you are on a growing enemy list. ‘Bitter clingers’ that you are… more guns, Bibles and ammo now. Don’t ever agree to give your guns or neighbors up. Pray hard for your country and get behind Patriot Conservatives everywhere. Boot the sold out establishment out, whether Democrat or Republican. Don’t ever submit to forced Health care and controls of the IRS anywhere near your health, life and accounts. Don’t ever submit to authorities arresting you in the middle of the night. Demand the repeal of NDAA and everything else Obama has touched and voted into law.
Join me on my show each day Let your thoughts be heard, chat and blog at
Battle and pray with me to get our country back. Join me each day at: For more info go
Published in: on February 17, 2012 at 8:26 am  Leave a Comment  

Neither legal mandate or compromise

The recent mandate nor the compromise that Obama has put forth regarding Contraceptive requirements for faith based employers is neither legal or Constitutional.
Amendment I reads:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Aside from the fact that contraceptive medicine is not health care, it seems only a reasoning for promiscuous sex to be rewarded. The argument that contraceptives are a woman’s health right fail to reason that condoms are used far more often than any female solution.
The Constitutionality of “ObamaCare” will still have to be decided by the Supreme Court soon but as it stands in the opinion of most Constitutional scholars, it is not nor will ever be.

The usurping of the Constitution, Congress nullified?

Obama appointed Richard Cordray to be head of a controversial consumer consumer financial protection agency and stacking the National Relations Labor Board (NRLB) with Pro-Union cronies, despite the fact that Congress is not officially in recess! It is being held open with pro-forma sessions and not gaveled “sin die” for the specific purpose of preventing recess appointments. From the Constitution: Article 2 Section 2″ The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.” This should be an Impeachable offense! Will we see justice served by Congress?

Published in: on January 9, 2012 at 10:23 pm  Leave a Comment  

Deception as a Principle of Governance By James Long

February 11, 2010
Deception as a Principle of Governance
By James Long

The Democrats all agree that President George Bush received a surplus  when he took office after President Clinton’s term, and then he passed  a deficit to President Obama. Democrats are outrageous prevaricators.

David Axelrod in the Washington Post, 15 January 2010:

The day the Bush administration took over from President Bill Clinton  in 2001, America enjoyed a $236 billion budget surplus — with a  projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion.

Hillary said much the same thing on “Meet the Press,” 15 November 2009:

It, it breaks my heart, David (Gregory), that in 2001 we had a  balanced budget and a surplus; and if we’d stayed on that path, we  were heading toward eliminating our debt.

Similarly, Senator Robert Menendez on “This Week,” 24 January 2010:

And, you know, I love my dear friend (Jim DeMint) talking about, you  know, fiscal responsibility, but when George Bush came to office, he  had a $236 billion surplus. Barack Obama was handed a $1.3 trillion  deficit.

And a 07 February 2010 NYT editorial put it this way:

When President Bush took office in 2001, the federal budget had been  in the black for three (four, actually) years, and continued surpluses  were projected for a decade to come.

President Obama in his first State of the Union address also mentioned  the large surplus that President Bush inherited in contrast to the  deficit that Obama himself inherited.

Every one of the above statements is patently and provably false. The  dot-com bubble crashed almost exactly one year before Clinton left  office, and the value of the NASDAQ (symbol ^IXIC available on YAHOO!)  fell by $2.5 trillion dollars (half its total value) before the end of  the Clinton administration. When the dot-com bubble popped, as all
economic bubbles do, the NASDAQ fell sharply. Every economic indicator  during Clinton’s last year in office turned decisively downward — the  surplus, government revenues, and the markets included. Economic  projections made at the very top of an economic bubble are foolish,  but the dot-com bubble had long since popped, and everything was going  south by the time Clinton left office. Consequently, the Democrats’  projections of surpluses years into the future at a time when all  indices were falling are not just foolish, but dishonest.

A lot of things happened in the economy during Clinton’s last year,  all of them bad. Besides the dot-com bubble crash in January 2000, the  DOW also peaked and started down shortly before Clinton left office,  and the S&P started down shortly after that. The NASDAQ continued to  fall for an eventual loss of $4 trillion, and the collapse of the DOW
and the S&P also resulted in more trillions of dollars lost in the  markets.

With the markets crashing, federal revenues were reduced, and GDP  growth slowed as President Clinton left office. The vaunted Clinton  surplus fell from $236 billion in FY 1999 (ending 30 September 1999)  to $128 billion in FY 2000 (ending 30 September 2000), Clinton’s last  year. Axelrod’s and Menendez’s claims that the surplus was $236  billion on “[t]he day the Bush administration took over” were off by  just sixteen months, during which time markets,  government revenues,  and the “Clinton surplus” were falling like rocks. At the end of the  first FY of President Bush’s term (2001), the budget had a deficit of  over $157 billion. The “Clinton surplus” fell $393 billion in twenty-  four months (FY 1999 to FY 2001) following the dot-com crash, and  Clinton was still in office for sixteen of those months.

Empirically, if the American voters in late 2000 believed that the  Clinton surplus was as high as the Democrats now claim, and if the  long-term projection for the surplus was accepted as valid by those  voters, Al Gore would have won the 2000 election in a landslide that  would have rivaled President Reagan’s victories. In reality, the  voters in 2000 were nervous about the economy, having just witnessed  trillions of dollars lost in the dot-com fiasco, and Bush won.

Not only did Bush inherit a plunging economy, but given the magnitude  of the dot-com crash, this was an extremely perilous time for the  American economic outlook. In the event, President Bush applied the  proper corrective measures and the damage was minimized, with  unemployment limited to a relatively benign 6.1%. The economy went on  to register solid jobs, growth, and productivity from 2003 to 2007  until the next Democratic disaster hit: the unaffordable housing bubble.
Sandwiched between the stupid Clinton dot-com bubble and the  deliberate Democratic housing bubble, the Bush economy did quite well  from 2003 to 2007, with deficits steadily being reduced and government  growing at a slower relative rate than the economy. But President Bush  had to pay for the considerable costs of Clinton’s dot-com bubble
(unemployment compensation, job training, lost tax revenues, etc.)  until the economy began to recover in 2003, and then, at the end of  his term, Bush had to stop the economic collapse that was triggered by  the Democrats’ mortgage follies. Democrats have hung a bad rap on  President Bush because they want to achieve power, and dishonesty is
one of the tools they have used successfully (and frequently) in their  quest to tell us how to live.

Every economic crisis we have suffered since WWII has been the result  of Democratic Party malfeasance or misfeasance. LBJ’s wasteful and  corrupt War on Poverty did almost nothing to lessen poverty, cost $6.6  trillion over a thirty-year period, and ended when President Clinton  signed off on a Republican initiative to end it. In comparison, the  total national debt was $5.2 trillion at the point when the fraud-  ridden, $6.6-trillion War on Poverty was mercifully ended. President  Obama has now substantially reinstituted the War on Poverty with his  non-stimulating stimulus package.

President Reagan and President Bush pulled us out of the first two  Democratic disasters described above, but Obama’s disaster is much  worse. Obama is adding fuel to the raging inferno as the economy melts  down, rather than taking known corrective actions similar to what  Reagan and Bush (and Kennedy, in a similar scenario) did.

If Hillary is really interested in “heading toward eliminating our  debt,” then she could tell the Democrats to quit spending our money  foolishly.

In the Soviet era, Pravda was the major official Soviet newspaper. The  term “pravda” is usually translated as “truth,” but as Russians use  the term, pravda would be more accurately translated as “the official  word.” The official Democratic word and the official words of all  declining mainstream Pravdas is that everything is President Bush’s
fault, even if the disastrous dot-com bubble and its inevitable crash  happened during the Clinton administration.
James Long is a professional engineer and manager.

Patriot’s History, a worthwhile reading.

For the past three decades, many history professors have allowed their biases to distort the way America’s past is taught. These intellectuals have searched for instances of racism, sexism, and bigotry in our history while downplaying the greatness of America’s patriots and the achievements of “dead white men.”

As a result, more emphasis is placed on Harriet Tubman than on George Washington; more about the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II than about D-Day or Iwo Jima; more on the dangers we faced from Joseph McCarthy than those we faced from Josef Stalin.

A Patriot’s History of the United States corrects those doctrinaire biases. In this groundbreaking book, America’s discovery, founding, and development are reexamined with an appreciation for the elements of public virtue, personal liberty, and private property that make this nation uniquely successful. This book offers a long-overdue acknowledgment of America’s true and proud history.

A Patriot’s History of the United States: From Columbus’s Great Discovery to the War on Terror

Some reviews:

“A welcome, refreshing, and solid contribution to relearning what we have forgotten and remembering why this nation is good, and worth defending.” — Matthew Spalding, National Review

“In A Patriot’s History of the United States, Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen remind us what a few good individuals can do in just a few short centuries . . . . A fluid account of America from the discovery of the Continent up to the present day”. — Brandon Miniter, The Wall Street Journal

“No recent American history challenges the conventional wisdom of academics as aggressively as Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen’s A Patriot’s History of the United States”. — Daniel J. Flynn, Front Page Magazine

“There are a thousand pleasant surprises and heartening reminders that underneath it all America remains a country of ideas, ideals, and optimism—and no amount of revisionism can take that legacy away”. (John Coleman, Humane Studies Review)

Published in: on February 9, 2010 at 8:15 pm  Comments (1)  
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Christian Manufacturer under fire for Bible references

The left is at it again, a Christian Manufacturer is under fire for Bible references within the serial number of its product.

ABC News has recently reported on the fact that Trijicon, the manufacturer of gun sites for our military has placed Bible verses in their serial numbers. ABC is quoted:

“U.S. military rules specifically prohibit the proselytizing of any religion in Iraq or Afghanistan and were drawn up in order to prevent criticism that the U.S. was embarked on a religious “Crusade” in its war against al Qaeda and Iraqi insurgents.”

Trijicon has stated that their company has been doing this since 2003. The company founder, Glyn Bindon, a devout Christian from South Africa, who was killed in a  plane crash, started this practice.

Like every company the site manufacturer Trijicon, has no limits on how it can create its  logo or any other limitations. Tom Munson, director of sales and marketing for Trijicon, which is based in Wixom, Michigan, said the inscriptions “have always been there” and said there was nothing wrong or illegal with adding them. Munson said the issue was being raised by a group that is “not Christian.”

The Bible verses is question reference light:

John 8:12, referred to on the gun sights as JN8:12, reads, “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

2COR4:6, is an apparent reference to Second Corinthians 4:6 of the New Testament, which reads: “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

There is nothing wrong with giving our troops something to bolster their faith!

Combat vets have said that there truly is no atheist in a foxhole!

I find it incomprehensible that our Government can be bullied by a vocal minority who want Christianity to be removed from every aspect of our lives.

This country was founded upon the freedom OF religion, not from religion. The separation of Church and State is a progressive gross misinterpretation of our Constitution!

As much as the anti-religion pushes, we of any faith, need to push back harder to maintain our freedoms.

Published in: on January 19, 2010 at 8:07 am  Comments (2)  
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What the Dems Know: Universal Voter Registration

What the Dems Know: Universal Voter Registration

By James Simpson

Many are puzzled that Democrats persist in ramming unpopular and destructive legislation down our collective throats with no apparent concern for their plummeting poll numbers. A widespread belief is that the Democrats are committing political suicide and will be swept from one or both houses of Congress with unprecedented electoral losses next November. But since Democrat politicians rarely do things that will not ultimately benefit themselves, this column asked two weeks ago, “What do they know that we don’t?”

We may have found out. It’s called universal voter registration. The Wall Street Journal’s John Fund described the Democrat plan recently at a David Horowitz Freedom Center forum. Watch the video here.

Fund describes the proposal as follows:

In January, Chuck Schumer and Barney Frank will propose universal voter registration. What is universal voter registration? It means all of the state laws on elections will be overridden by a federal mandate. The feds will tell the states: ‘take everyone on every list of welfare that you have, take everyone on every list of unemployed you have, take everyone on every list of property owners, take everyone on every list of driver’s license holders and register them to vote regardless of whether they want to be …’

Fund anticipates that Congress will attempt to ram this legislation through, as with the health care bill. What a surprise! Fund covers the vote issue at greater length in his book, How the Obama Administration Threatens to Undermine Our Elections.

Leftist groups are already arguing that universal voter registration will solve all the problems with our voting system. But the left created most of these problems. The radical leftist Nation Magazine, for example, absolutely loves the idea of universal voter registration. This is the same magazine, however, that advanced Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven’s Manufactured Crisis strategy. The Cloward/Piven strategy was designed to undermine government institutions by overwhelming them with impossible demands for services. Cloward and Piven focused on welfare, housing, and voting as the main targets of this strategy, and the radical group ACORN was specifically created for the purpose of executing it.

The Nation article enthusiastically lists Cloward/Piven-inspired organizations like Project Vote, the ACORN group where President Obama cut his teeth. It also discusses the left’s efforts to push enforcement of the Motor Voter law and explains how universal voter registration could assist in these efforts. Cloward and Piven were the ones who crafted Motor Voter legislation in the early 1980s and pushed for its enactment until 1993, when President Clinton signed it into law.

Cloward and Piven considered Motor Voter to be their crowning, lifetime achievement. The picture,
from White House photo archives, shows Cloward (light gray suit) and Piven (green coat and navy dress)standing directly behind Clinton at the Motor Voter signing ceremony. The left has predictably launched vicious smear attacks against John Fund for bringing universal voter registration to our attention. A Google search of the issue brings up any number of nasty ad hominem attacks. Most notable is Media Matters, the leftist group whose sole purpose seems to be to smear Republicans and defend the left’s indefensible policies. They put up this gem: “Right-Wing Ass Weasel John Fund Doesn’t Like Universal Voter Registration because of ACORN.”

The problems with universal voter registration are numerous and obvious. Many states’ lists include vast numbers of illegals, including some states which allow illegals to obtain drivers licenses; because many homeowners have more than one home, there will be duplicates; because so many people are on so many separate federal and state government agency lists, there will be duplicates; and because so many lists exist with little or no cross-checking capability, all of these duplicates are likely to go uncorrected. Add to this the fact that Dems hope to extend voting rights to felons, and the whole thing begins to look like a nationwide Democrat voter registration drive facilitated by taxpayers.

Universal voter registration will create massive vulnerabilities to systemic voter fraud nationwide, and if Democrats have proven anything in recent years, it is that they can win elections that way. The George-Soros-funded Secretary of State project (SOS) was designed to take advantage of such vulnerabilities and may have been developed in anticipation of the universal voter registration plan. Al Franken’s stolen election in Minnesota was a trial run for the SOS project. Longtime ACORN friend Mark Ritchie was elected Minnesota Secretary of State in 2006 with Soros’s SOS and ACORN money, and what followed in Norm Coleman’s Senate runoff election was a frightening demonstration of just how far Democrats will go to win. Franken won the runoff, and the Democrats got their filibuster-proof sixty-vote Senate majority.

The Motor Voter law was correctly identified as a facilitator of vote fraud. One of the few legal issues Barack Obama actually participated in as a lawyer was a 1995 suit against the State of Illinois, which he brought on behalf of ACORN. Then-Republican Governor Jim Edgars saw the newly passed Motor Voter act as creating the potential for massive vote fraud and refused to implement it. With the assistance of the Clinton Justice Department, Obama’s legal team won that suit. Obama himself actually participated very little, a strategy that seems to have served him well in life. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, after identifying himself in court proceedings, Obama sat back and let “the heavy-hitters at the Justice Department make the arguments.”

It is not surprising that the Democrats are now choosing to push this new initiative, for universal voter registration will be Motor Voter on turbochargers. And who better to sign it into law than the president from ACORN?